Have you used Eclipse before?
I have used Eclipse in the past. At my community college, I took 2 courses in Java which were taught with Eclipse in mind. In these courses, I used Eclipse to manage Java SDKs and set up version control. While I prefer using Visual Studio Code as my text editor/IDE, I am comfortable enough with Eclipse to use it if requested.
What languages are you proficient in at this point?
The languages I am most comfortable using are, in descending order, Java, C++, and Python. I have taken courses in Java most recently, so I feel it is the most fresh on my mind. I haven’t used C++ in a serious way since my early CS education, but I am still comfortable with the language. Recently, I have been learning Dart for cross-platform app development, but I still have a ways to go before I would consider myself “proficient” in the language.
What is your desired field of Computer Science at this point?
I am still undecided between software engineering and game development, but I am leaning towards game development. I am currently looking at internship opportunities at local game studios.
Week in Review
Much of this week’s material was review for me, but I did learn about the DecimalFormat class in Java, which I had never used before. I also spent time learning about the style formatting guidelines for this course, which will keep me on my toes in these first few weeks.