CST 363 – Week 3 Learning Journal

Someone described normalization of a DB design as “a column depends on the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key, so help me Codd.” Explain in your words what 3rd normal form is and why it is important.

The third normal form is a design pattern. It gives the guideline that databases’ columns should rely on a key. This means that every part of the database should have some logical relation to the primary key. This is important as it helps databases stay organized and use less memory.

What is an SQL view and why is it useful?

An SQL view is a kind of ‘virtual table’ in which you can create a kind of database within a query. These views can be used to add or remove data from a ‘real’ table in order to perform specific operations on a table. A specific use for a view would be to remove a Social Security Number from a table for somebody to work with in order to protect sensitive data.

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