CST 334 – Week 1 Learning Journal

Week in Review

This first week of Introduction to Operating Systems had a lot of information to unpack. For the lab portion of this module, I wrote my very first Bash script. It was interesting to see the differences in a scripting language like this and a full fledged programming language. Some of the weaknesses I see in Bash are remedied by one of it’s biggest strengths: the ability to invoke and gather output from most any program installed on the system with ease.

On the lecture side of this course, I had a quick refresher of C, which I had used briefly in my Computer Architecture and Assembly Language course a few years prior. Much of this material was information I had seen previously in that course, but presented in the way in which it relates to an Operating System specifically. Additionally, I was introduced to the “Three Easy Pieces” from our OSTEP textbook: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence.

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