CST 300 – Week 7 Learning Journal

Video Project Planning

This week, my team began planning for our final video presentation. We met over Zoom and used a collaborative Google Doc in order to create an outline for the videos. This outline contains each section of the video, how long these sections should be, and which team member will be responsible for the research and narration of that portion of the video. This process is working well for our team, as it allows for us to be able to work independently on portions of the video.

Lecture Review

For this week’s lecture, we discussed the topic of presentation in order to prepare us for our project. In preparation, I watched two TED Talks. First, I watched “The Mind Behind Linux”, a TED interview between Linus Torvalds (the creator of Linux) and a TED interviewer. This was interesting to watch, as Torvalds is a man who is clearly unaccustomed to speaking like this, yet is able to give an interview very well due to the confidence in the topic he is speaking about. I also watched Herman Narula give the talk “The Transformative Power of Video Games”. What struck me about this talk was how persuasive his argument was for the topic, which even I thought was a little bit of a reach going into the talk. We also watched an amusing video called “Life After Death by PowerPoint” in which a presenter gives a satirical presentation which outlines some common pitfalls in PowerPoint presentations using absurdist examples which contain useful common pitfalls to avoid falling into.

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