CS Online – Final Learning Journal

Going through my previous journal entries, I’m stunned by the breadth of information that we covered in the program. Everything from web development, operating systems scheduling, and machine learning to networking and database development. I learned how to actually make a resume and interview for a job, made a grown-up LinkedIn account and volunteered at … Read more

CST 499 – Week 7 Learning Journal

This week, my work was pushed into the main Open Energy Dashboard development branch, marking the end of my work with OED. I also completed my capstone video, which was presented on Saturday 12/10. I also submitted my final ILP and Report, as well as the Capstone Portfolio assignment. As such, the only work left … Read more

CST 499 – Week 5 Learning Journal

This week, work was nearly completed on the testing jig and related data. This is almost the end of the work given by the client. I met with the client on Saturday, and we discussed my work thus far, and what remains in the coming days. In the next few days, I will write a … Read more

CST 499 – Week 3 Learning Journal

This week, I continued research into implementing tests for the client code. After running into numerous difficulties, my advisor and I decided that it was time to move on from this issue. After writing a detailed report, I am working on enhancing tests for the server code. In the upcoming weeks, I will be adding … Read more

CST 499 – Week 2 Learning Journal

The original goal for this week was to implement the JavaScript test framework mocha into TypeScript in order to create tests for OED’s new TypeScript client code. Unfortunately, the complexity of OED made it such that implementing this was too large of a task, so my advisor and I discussed alternatives. It was decided that … Read more

CST 499 – Week 1 Learning Journal

This week, I met with my advisor and client, Steve. He outlined the specifics of what he would like accomplished this week. First, he wants me to properly set up my work environment. Then, he would like me to investigate a way to convert TypeScript files to JavaScript for the purpose of running tests. Then, … Read more