CST 499 – Week 7 Learning Journal

This week, my work was pushed into the main Open Energy Dashboard development branch, marking the end of my work with OED. I also completed my capstone video, which was presented on Saturday 12/10. I also submitted my final ILP and Report, as well as the Capstone Portfolio assignment. As such, the only work left … Read more

CST 499 – Week 4 Learning Journal

This week, I made progress in implementing new tests for web API readings in OED. I was able to create testing data and run some tests on data returned from the API. After meeting with my advisor, we discussed next steps to elevate the tests to test on more varied data using csv files generated … Read more

CST 438 – Week 2 Learning Journal

In your own words, what is TDD about? TDD, or, Test Driven Development, serves to increase productivity in a project by giving a precise guideline for the codebase to meet, allowing developers to essentially “tick boxes” to meet requirements. What is a MOCK (also called DOUBLE) and how does it help in unit testing? A … Read more